Thank you for your interest in volunteering!
Current Volunteering Opportunities 2024-2025
VOLUNTEER AT THE HOLIDAY BASKET EVENT! Please sign up below if you can help: Friday December 13 Saturday December 14 |
Volunteering is a great way to stay involved while supporting our teachers and students to make the Shorecrest community stronger. We will have many opportunities throughout the year, so please check back frequently.
Interested in volunteering?
*Join the PTSA – as a member you will receive emails with volunteering opportunities
*Join our Board – Communications, Advocacy and Family Services
Please email if interested.
Adults can volunteer at the Works Wednesdays 6:30-8:30 Oct 4 – Dec 6. 2023.
Shout Out to All of our Amazing Volunteers!!!!
2024-2025 Is off to a Great Start and Our Volunteers are Already Showing Up!
*Back to School BBQ: PTSA Board members enjoyed seeing so many smiling faces at the Back to School BBQ!
*Staff Appreciation Continental Breakfast: Thank you to all who provided and set up food for the staff!
*Picture Day and Retakes: Another big thank you to the many adults who volunteered to help out at Picture Day on Thursday and Friday! So many pictures and it went seamless!
*Homecoming: We had lots of helpers at the coat check, game room, karaoke, phot booth and snack table. What a night!
*Senior Hand Prints: They look so good! Thank you volunteers!
*Baked Potato Bar for Staff: What a yummy way to say thanks!
Look at everything we did 2023-2024:
*Homecoming: A huge shout out to the folks that brought food and worked the photo booth and coat check at the dance!
*Senior Handprint Day: Was a huge hit! Thank you
*Holiday Baskets: Thank you so much to everyone who donated at the holiday baskets event and those who came to volunteer. We served 578 families this year. We also collected over 30 new and gently used coats for the WORKS coat drive. The WORKS is a free clothing store that supports our Shoreline families. A huge SHOUT OUT to the students in the Interact Club who helped advertise the drive.
*Valentine’s Cupcakes ~ The hallways were full of love and 1000+ cupcakes including allergy free varieties. Love was in the air!