Join PTSA today – help your kids in the classroom!
The PTSA provides academic support to Shorecrest students through teacher grants and appreciation, enrichment activities and a variety of community programs. Add your voice and your vote to the organization that supports our teachers and advocates for student success at all levels.

Membership costs $20. This goes towards funding teacher grants as well as local, state and national PTSA membership.
Top reasons to join today!
- Membership includes a voice in local, state and national PTSA efforts.
- Access to educational materials on a wide variety of concerns.
- Legislative updates on issues that affect the safety, welfare and educational equality of all children and youth.
- Opportunities for personal growth through PTSA’s leadership training.
- Volunteer opportunities that connect you to other parents, the school, and the larger community.
- Learn about Shorecrest’s programs through meetings and newsletters.
- Meet the Principal and other staff members at meetings.
- Joining PTSA supports Shorecrest students, the Back-to-School BBQ, teacher grants, staff appreciation, student projects, and parent programs.
- As a member of SC PTSA, you are automatically a member of WA State PTSA and National PTSA and have access to their member benefits
Membership is renewable each school year so get those memberships in. Whether you are a parent, neighbor, grandparent, guardian, other family member, or student we gladly accept new members throughout the year. We welcome more diversity in our membership and volunteers to reflect our Shorecrest community.
THANK YOU for your support!